Crowdfunding portal CrowdCulture
CrowdCulture – a crowdfunding portal built on Ruby on Rails is a financing method, a tool for realizing your dream project. Crowdculture works like a regular crowdfunding platform, including the fact that cultural workers also can seek financing from public funds through the system. The money pool is both private money (members) and federal money (part of the cultural budget from Swedish authorities). It is the members’ voices that control where the public money goes. Once a member votes on a project, it corresponds with money from the general pot. The correspondence between the public and private financing depends entirely on how strong members support cultural projects on the second side is.
IT House overtook the project, and the first task was to create a badge system that grants active users 3 level badges in different categories. With the help of badges and the game theory principle, users are more actively involved in various project activities. Later on, IT House worked on many different tasks to make crowdfunding site work more smoothly. Website developed using Ruby on Rails.